Friday, September 26, 2014

Stakeholders concerned country lacks airline to support tourism

Lack of a reliable and effective airline to boost Tanzania’s tourism sector is severely affecting performance of the sector that is the second largest contributor to the GDP.
Managing Director of the ongoing tourism exhibition dubbed Mpingo Summit in Arusha Region Bakiri Angalia raised the concern earlier this week. 
Mpingo Summit 2014
Speaking at the summit, he said the country’s tourism industry is overwhelmed by a number of challenges but the lack of a reliable airline dedicated to the sector’s development is paramount.
 “Tourism remains an important pillar to our economic development and so Tanzania needs a reliable carrier to act as a catalyst to the country’s tourism development,” he said.
He said the country has many tourist attractions, but the number of tourists visiting them remains considerably low. 
“The only way to bring more tourists to the country is to have a reliable national carrier,” he insisted.
 “The national carrier, Air Tanzania Company Limited does not suffice the sector’s need and requires heavy investment to meet the demand,” he lamented.
He nonetheless conceded that the national airline, Air Tanzania, continues to work hand in hand with tourism firms to tap the country’s tourism potential but he maintained that more must be done if the sector is to realise its potential.
Themed: “Tourism and development in the community” the Mpingo Summit has attracted tourism stakeholders from across the region and elsewhere to discuss the challenges facing tourism in the country.

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